
Peer-Reviewed Publications

7. Carter TA, Buma B. 2024. Understory Plant Biodiversity is Inversely Related to Carbon Storage in a Carbon Dense Ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution.

6. Carter TA, Buma B. 2024. The Distribution of Tree Biomass Carbon within the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest, a Disproportionally Carbon Dense Forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

5 .Rodman KC, …, Carter TA, et al. 2022. Rocky Mountain forests poised to recover following recent bark beetle outbreaks, but with altered composition. Journal of Ecology.

4. Hayes KR, Carter TA, et al. 2022. Supporting Graduate Field Leadership through Community-Sourced Advice, Action, and Policy. Ecosphere.

3. Carter TA, Hayes KR, Buma B. 2022. Putting more fuel on the fire… or maybe not? A Synthesis of Spruce Beetle and Fire Interactions in North American Subalpine Forests. Landscape Ecology.

2. Carter TA, Fornwalt PJ, Dwire KA, Laughlin DC. 2022. Understory Plant Community Responses to Widespread Spruce Mortality in a Subalpine Forest. Journal of Vegetation Science.

1. Carter TA, Agneray AC, Leger EA. 2020. Variability of Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) Leaf Traits in the Great Basin. Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal.

Other Publications

Wessel SA, …, Carter TA, et al. 2021. Exploring vegetation virtually with the Global Vegetation Project. International Associate for Vegetation Science. Bulletin.