Previous Expeditions
Glacier Bay - Alaska
I have been working in Glacier Bay, Alaska since 2021 and have been a part of 3 expeditions, 2 of which I led. My research in Glacier Bay is focused on a longstanding questions in ecology: How do ecosystems develop through time? The pictures below are from my 2022 expedition to Alaska with photos curtesy of Conor Phelan. Many people have been involved in these expeditions including: Brian Buma, Chris Fastie, Lewis Sharman, Kate Hayes, and Conor Phelan.
Chile - 2023
In January of 2023 I was invited to participate in an expedition to southern Chile through a National Science Foundation international research experience for students. The main expedition was investigating the occurrence of avian malaria in southern Chile. I was tasked with measuring tree biomass carbon to investigate the potential tradeoffs of forest management goals with disease occurrence.